(DCA) Discretionary Commission Arrangements. If you have a query or complaint relating to the use of discretionary commission arrangements (DCA) before 28th January 2021, as highlighted recently on the Martin Lewis Money Programme, this should be directed to the lender who provided your vehicle finance. For more information please click here

Your right to complain

Very occasionally we may fall short of the high expectations of our customers and as such, we have a procedure in place to aid in the successful resolution of a complaint. Please be assured that your complaint will be treated seriously. We treasure our customers and want to do all we can to support them.

What if I am unhappy?

It is important to let your point of contact (e.g. Sales Executive/Service Advisor) know you are unhappy in the first instance and give them the opportunity to put things right. It may be appropriate for the departmental Manager to be involved, in which case they may be able to sort the problem out for you. If they are unable to, you should contact the site’s Head of Business, either by letter, email, telephone or making an appointment to see them. If a successful outcome is not achieved, the next step is to move to the formal process.

How to make a formal complaint

If your complaint relates to matters that have led to an expression of dissatisfaction with our business, our Group Customer Relations Manager, Simon Elkin (simon.elkin@harwoods.co.uk), should be contacted with information regarding your complaint, which he will investigate in conjunction with the relevant site.

If your complaint relates to financial services and/or general insurance regulated product sales, please email financeandinsurancecomplaints@harwoods.co.uk

If your complaint relates to commission earned on finance or insurance products, please email commissiondisclosure@harwoods.co.uk

If a complaint is received, we aim to assess it fairly, consistently and promptly, to determine whether it should be upheld. If your complaint is upheld, you will receive an apology and details of any appropriate remedial action or redress, that we may be taking to put things right. If you remain dissatisfied, you may request a further review of your complaint by putting this in writing to the directors (directors@harwoods.co.uk).

Review of your complaint

The review will be conducted by the appropriate Director under the supervision of the Chief Executive, who will provide a final response within 8 weeks of the date the formal complaint was made.

Referring your complaint

Should you still be unhappy, you can ask for your complaint to be considered by an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider.

The Motor Ombudsman

The Motor Ombudsman is a certified ADR provider who can assist with disputes that arise between consumers and Code-accredited businesses. They must be contacted within 12 months of either making your complaint or receiving our final response.

Contact The Motor Ombudsman

By post: The Motor Ombudsman 71 Great Peter Street London SW1P 2BN

By email: consumer@tmo-uk.org

Via a downloaded/completed enquiry form available at: www.themotorombudsman.org/consumers/make-a-complaint

Website: www.themotorombudsman.org

The Financial Ombudsman

On the 11th January 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced a pause on complaints relating to discretionary commission arrangements across the motor finance industry.

Any complaints of this nature now fall outside the typical 8-week resolution deadline and will be paused until 25th September 2024 to allow the FCA time to review. Further information can be found here https://www.fca.org.uk/carfinance You can usually refer a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service within 6 months of receiving a final response. For these matters, this has been extended to 15 months if you receive final response between 12th July 2023 and 20th November 2024

The Financial Ombudsman is a certified ADP provider and the UK’s official expert in sorting out problems with financial services.

Contact The Financial Ombudsman

By phone: 0800 023 4567

By email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk

Via a complaint form available at:


Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk